Poysdorf, die Weinstadt �sterreichs
Open-Air Gallery Ohmeyer - Poysdorf, Maria Ohmeyer-Weg

Carl Fahringer, 1874-1952, Austrian Painter

Carl Fahringer was born in Wr. Neustadt (Lower Austria) on December 25, 1874. After he had studied at the Viennese Academy for 6 years, he went to Carl Marr in Munich in the year 1898 and laid there the foundation to his impressioninistic colour intensive style of painting, which enabled him in a particular degree to a reproduction of the colourful crowd of people on markets or in tropical areas.


Carl Fahringer, "Self-portrait"
44 x 33 cm, Oil

Being restless througout his life, he made journeys to France, Italy, the Balkan Peninsula, Asia Minor and Egypt even before the First World War. 1922 he went from Holland over to Java, Sumatra and Bali.


Carl Fahringer, "Sch�nbrunn"
37 x 60 cm, Oil

1920 Fahringer went to Holland for the first time. There the artist painted countless pictures of the life in the harbour and scenes of the market-life. 1929 the painter was at the peak of his working period. He became a member of the teaching staff at the Academy of Arts in Vienna and offered his skill and experience to the instruction of young artists. Throughout his whole life he tried to refine his individual style which must be coordinated to the impressionism as well as to the expressionism. On February 4, 1952 Carl Fahringer died on the results of a surgery at the age of 78.


Carl Fahringer
"Cheese Market in Holland"
50 x 67 cm, Oil